The Gerry Alvarez Odyssey
Candy Prankster-2006
Ricochet Sound
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Visions of lysergic filled atom bombs skating in the inside of the skull like an overweight retro roller derby throwback. Waves of light filter through nerve cells numbing the cadaver into trance like states common to areas in countries that practice Voodoo.
Is Gerry Alvarez the second coming of rock and roll saviour a la John Lennon? Psychedelic abundance and rubber soles. Captain Alvarez steers the magic bus through doors of perception and into the land of Siddhartha
A member of the legendary Montreal based garage band-The Gruesomes; Gerry has graduated from bug juice to blotters of cosmic beings.

Swatches of chimerical brain waves send pulsating rhythms thus releasing endorphins; causing the body and mind to become one with the odyssey the candy prankster has sundered from the other world.
Want escapism from the daily grind of the 9 to 5. Let the candy prankster reach into your bag of sugar swill and replace it with a mind-numbing alternative.