Fisnet Stalkers
May 2007
The Blue Plate
Norfolk, VA
Words & Pix by Jillian Abbene
(SugarBuzz Wash DC/Richmond)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Trekking from Baltimore, Maryland to Norfolk, Virginia, is a long way for these guys to hike it, but they did it as part of their launching of their national tour with The Sick Fits (unfortunately, who couldn’t make it due to tour schedule conflicts.) After having to cancel from a previous date in March, in their hometown, I knew I had to make good. Besides, a friend of mine, Jeff Drop from The Rats was also going to check them out. (Oh, a big thank you Jeff for being a patient friend and directing me to the venue via cell phone). Enough of that! The Fishnet Stalkers are hanging outside the venue when I arrive. Sitting on a ledge with killer ‘Dead Boys’ haircuts and drain pipes, I was pleased to be able to chat with them briefly before the show.

Scoping out where to plant myself for a good view and pics, I choose a side booth seat and sit on the ledge. It was a narrow stage as all five members cram together. Stevie Diamond, the lead vocalist, grabs a hand-held microphone, one hand on his hip, and throws out small banter to the audience, then jumps right into the song, ’12 Roses.’ With a stern look and donning a sleeveless poke-a-dot shirt, he belts out the catchy chorus. Rhythm is key here. With Matt, the lead guitarist, is layering on the twiddlings as Conor is delivering the Chuck Berry vibe, it is Eric with his snare drums that holds the foundation in place. Cool yet mischievous, flair wins them the NY Dolls/Ramones award for familiarity as they pull out all the rock ‘n roll stopswith their heads down in avoidance-cool.
In ‘New Vision,’ Matt gives a good hard kick on the beat speed-demoning burning riffs overtop the walls of chopped up rhythm. A little cowbell is thrown in for good measure, like the big kiss offas the band takes charge of this night’s destiny. The next song, ‘Baby Mattel,’ has Chris on bass and Conor on guitar joining forces together,’ in synching ragged-out glam. Taking center stage, Matt lets the lead solos rip into bundles of mini-riffs, with Stevie glamming up the vocals with a snare drum-romp and shit-kickin’ clash of cymbal. That, I did like.

My favorite actually was the last song, ‘Silver Screen’, with a supped-up punk edge deriving in those heavy-handed chords pops out extra bass lines to tie the fuel in the rhythm.
Sliding into home base, everyone is rockin’ out to the slam-stops and banging cymbal for the end with clapping hands and a deviant redneck yell of, “Hell yeah!”