Fetish 69
S/T 7”
Project A Bomb Records (1991)
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The first time I ever listened to this record I started by doing things backwards and played side B, entitled “Hellville U.S.A., first. When the song started I was not really sure if the turntable should be on 45 or 33 1/3. The opening heavy sludge bass lick sounded way fucking reminiscent of The Alter. I thought for a minute I had the wrong record. Then the vocals started and lead vocalist Fetish sounded like a chipmunk on Quaaludes. What the fuck was this shit?
So I adjusted the speed to 331/3 to see what that sounded like. The music slowed way down, and the vocals took on a total satanic presence. My mind twisted, I felt all flushed, slight panic and total confusion. Not ever having heard any of this bands later material (this is a copy of their first single release), I really didn’t know what to expect. Then it happened, the lights started to flicker, and a strange knocking ensued on the walls around me. Needless to say I was getting way creeped out.
I needed to start all over again so I put the needle back on the beginning of “Hellville U.S.A” to try and get my bearings. Ok, now I get it. A 7” record that plays at 33 and a 1/3 speed. Clever bastards. Pure fucking evil spews out of the speakers. Think noise rock Sabbath with an early influence for Trent Reznor and Marilyn Manson thrown in. Fetish snarls and spits out distorted spookfest vocals that would scare even the most harden freak. Crashing to a feedback laded end all to like the silverware drawer hitting the floor, Hellville U.S.A finally ends with dialogue about murdered women whom have had their organs removed. Holy shit. A sudden chill filled the room.

I needed to brave side A. The song is called “Pig Blood”. My mind said proceed with caution. A strange motor like hum and the frightening cry of “I live in a pig world, I live in a pig land” assault my senses. Holy fuck, I am drawn in, I writhe in the orgy of haunting sounds over the heaviest guitar and bass laden drudgery imaginable. “No one gets out alive” projects images of Leather Face running amuck with his trusty chain saw. Seems his wife is in on it too. For some strange reason while listening to this track I keep looking over my shoulder, something lurks within. The lights are at it again, this record is truly possessed.
Fortunately or unfortunately depending how you look at it, there were only 1000 copies of this record pressed, and I am sure after 17 years many have been destroyed due to whatever fate befell them. My copy is locked away in the cabinet with my other items of macabre. If you are brave enough, seek one out so you too may be defiled.