Family Values Tour
Verizon Wireless Kansas City
August 24, 2006
By Crystal
(SugarBuzz Kansas City)
Photos By Crystal
Thank the music gods for giving us tours like Family Values! It was a refreshing and long overdue stress reliever for me. The show started at 2:00 pm with several supporting bands playing throughout the afternoon. I only covered Stone Sour, Deftones and Korn, but if you go to www.familyvalueslive.com, you can get the complete line up.
I’ve never been a Stone Sour fan. I don’t really have a reason, they just don’t do it for me. I was really looking forward to seeing them live because there are many bands that bring an energy on stage that fails to be captured in the studio. Sometimes the live experience gives me a new perspective and I can get on board. Stone Sour delivered a good performance, however, it didn’t spark any new interest for me. But the sound was excellent for an outside venue, they had great presence and the crowd loved them. So, if I were a Stone Sour fan I’m sure I’d be raving about them.

The Deftones have mastered the art of recording definitely don’t lose any energy between the stage and the studio. In fact, they are one of my favorite selections from my “help me control my rage” collection. I have found that while driving, the only way I can maintain is to have an outlet for my hostility. Music is the one thing that truly allows me to just let go of all the negativity building up. Other drivers thank the music gods for that, too.
Anyway, this was the first time I’ve seen them live. I caught a couple of performances on television, which in all honesty were terrible. I was sort of anticipating a bad performance, but it rocked! They played all of my favorites, including “My Own Summer (Shove It)” and “Dai the Flu”. They sounded awesome! I’m not sure where they were coming from as far as fashion, but that’s cool. Their style on stage is all about the music.
I’ve seen Korn a few times and I think they keep getting better. They looked and sounded fantastic. Their set was long, so they played a ton of songs. The crowd definitely started getting a little out of control when they played their older stuff like “Twist” and “Freak on a Leash”. I can’t get enough of Jonathan Davis and his bag pipes at the beginning of “Shoots and Ladders”. I love it. They performed some of their new stuff, too, like “Coming Undone”.

Some interesting visuals were incorporated this time around, too! Behind the drum sets (there were two) was an elevated stage. When they played Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall”, a couple of people with these furry animal masks on their heads were creeping around up there and going back and forth. There were a couple of other people that came on stage with guitars too….I think. To tell you the truth it made me feel like I was trippin’ on something and the whole thing really confused me. In a good way though.
I had a great time at Family Values and I got all of the stress and frustration out of my system. Korn is the only band who plays so loud it actually takes my breath away. Literally. (The vibrations from the bass or something, I guess). It’s crazy!
If you haven’t seen Korn, do it. You’ll feel better, I promise.