Evil Beaver
Models of Virtue - E.P.
By Crystal Weir (SugarBuzz Kansas City)
Photo By Kipling Swehla
SugarBuzz Magazine
From the mouths of Evil Beaver, the Models of Virtue E.P. was inspired by Angels that live among us, and guide us in life.” Oooookay.
Whatever the inspiration, this L.A. rock duo featuring Chicago native Evie Evil (bass/vocals) and L.A.’s Gene Trautmann (drums), recorded 4 tracks which are at the very least, “club friendly”. I don’t know that this CD would get many spins on the radio or ever get stuck in my CD player…..but I tried to imagine a scenario in which I could get into these songs. It occurred to me that seeing/hearing a live show could definitely entertain me
I guess that makes sense since these two are seasoned touring artists and have shared the stage with many well-knowns such as the Bellrays, Chevelle, Faster Pussycat, FuManchu, The Makers, The White Stripes and others.
I’m not saying that I don’t like the CD. I’m not saying that I love it. But I will say that I didn’t notice the lack of guitar. I completely forgot that I was listening to vocals on top of just a bass and a drum, so they apparently have enough substance to fill that void.
My final thought comes down to this: It was alright. I would say that this CD most likely doesn’t do them justice and that on stage they probably rock. Both Evie Evil and Gene Trautmann have both been working in the music industry for years, so with their experience and ambition maybe they will find their niche.
Check out their website, www.evilbeaver.us. Let me know what you think.