Eskimo Joe
Black Fingernails, Red Wine!
By Joanne
(SugarBuzz Australia)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The lads from this much sought after Australian band are back for yet another round of Rock N Roll.
If you thought their last couple albums were great, then sit back and the enjoy the experience known as Black Fingernails, Red Wine. You are in for one hell of a ride.
If you are new to Eskimo Joe then take notice my friends, cause this band has a lot to offer and with a ever growing fan base they are bound to knock you off your seats. These guys have found the edge that most bands struggle through out their whole careers to find.
Your either going to love this band or hate them, there is no in-between. Yes they are quircky and obscure but they are different, and that is what makes a great musician or group.
The album has its low moments and high moments as do a lot of albums out their. I have rarely come across a “perfect album”. This album is great however, I really dig it and believe you me, I was never a huge fan of these guys until this album
One of the high moments of the album is their current single "Black Fingernails, Red Wine". It sees the boys take on a more edgier sound then previous albums. This by far is my favourite song off the albums. Awesome lyrics and great musicianship makes you understand why these guys have taken Australia by storm, and with a catchy chorus its gonna get you in the mood for just about anything.
Another favourite of mine is "Cold Comfort" and "London Bombs". I love just sitting back with a glass of Red Wine listening to this song. Awesome keyboards and drumming makes this a beautiful piece of music.
The band has an awesome front man that makes listening to the whole album even more worth while.
To end this review I would like to say just one thing, don’t be afraid to try new things. You will be surprised at what you learn and discover.
Until next time my friends!