Drama Queens
Sting Of The Bee - 7"
By Christopher Duda (SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
“Honey, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” - One drama queen to another
Well, you have all probably known a drama queen in your life at one time or another. They were most likely being overly dramatic about some little pathetic footnote in their life, which we have all experienced and passed off as a little blip in our existence
However, you probably are not aware of the “Drama Queens”. Now, these aren’t some whiney little fucks crying about the hangnail they acquired while opening up a can of import beer. These gents are the real deal. Dirty, sweaty, mean motherfuckers that will scrape the skid marks off your Gucci silk underwear with the stroke of their guitar or other appendages.
The Drama Queens sound like they could fit in nicely on a Rip Off Records roster. Six songs filled with no nonsense, high energy, sloppy, drunk garage rock and roll. Played deep from within the testicle (or for the women- straight from the clitoris). The way it was meant to be!
Limited to a pressing of 500. Act now or forever apologize to your ears.