A Night of Rock 'N' Terror
Whisky a Go-Go
Hollywood, CA
Oct. 30, 2007
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
Damn, back to the haunted Whisky a Go-Go again. And on the night before Halloween, Mr. Banker Man (the ghost that haunts the club) will be out in full force I am sure.
Personally I would prefer to avoid the old bank building, turned night club by the legendary Elmer Valentine on a night such as tonight. But the headlining of D’Priest beckons me to come forth. To throw caution to the wind and brave the horror of the suicidal bean counter. Also the fact that tonight is the Halloween party at The Rainbow Bar and Grill doesn’t hurt either. All those women and their scantly clad bodies all dolled up for trick or treat. Instant wood indeed.

But I digress. D’Priest, for all of those out of the loop, is the latest incarnation of Nadir D’Priest’s outfit in the rock and roll arena. Nadir is renowned for having been in the legendary metal rock band London as well as solo ventures of his own and a classic release under the D’Priest moniker. Backed by six ace musicians, which range from seasoned veterans on the rock circuit, to seasoned newbie’s, the delivery of this band is top notch.
The adventure began after working a 12 hour day at the mundane day gig. Desperate for a blast of the 19th wind, I rejuvenated myself with a quick change right in the middle of De Longpre Avenue (quick, name a famous degenerate author who lived on De Longpre) and a drive by pick up of my two female companions for the evening. Twice as nice. Sweet Caroline!
11:00 start time allowed for a quick intake of some Rainbow atmosphere. The ghouls and goblins were amassing at an alarming rate. Stand out was the mutilated creature with the psycho baby in tow. It was so wrong. Nightmares are made of these.
Back at The Whisky, I held my head high and kept a watch out for bean man. His presence could be felt to those aware and I was especially tuned in. But his moans and wails ceased in my brain as the mighty D’Priest took the stage.

As if a mighty blast of thunder had cracked the sky wide open, D’Priest brought on “Russian Winter” with a hearty roar. Musical history buffs may remember this cut performed in the film Decline of the Western Civilization Part Two. Amazingly as significant today. This song was also featured on the now treasured album Playa Del Rock as well as the next two selections on tonight’s menu, “Heart Beat” and “It’s So Easy”. “It’s So Easy” shook the foundations due to the extra bass punch from Kurt Sheaffer, whom anchored his mates and keep them on an even keel.
Guitar virtuosity was the theme of tonight’s lesson (a pop quiz will follow) and aspiring upstarts took heed. Three guitarists filled any void that would dare exist in the vacuum of space. Like layers in masterwork, the base texture was laid down from Darin “The Kid”. The name fit as Darin looked like a kid in a candy store, grinning ear to ear throughout the entire set with the knowledge that he was playing in one well oiled machine.

Dual lead guitarists added the next layers in the heavenly soundscape. Sean Lewis, whom has been a mainstay with D’Priest/London for a decade plus, stood as solid as an oak, delivering tried and true, while hotshot Chris Sanders sizzled the rosewood with a how-to expose’ in hammers and pulls.
Darin set to serenade the crowd with acoustic tranquility, signaling “Ride You” was coming our way. Electric launch and Nadir kicked it all together with his trade mark vocals. Talk about the power and the glory, Nadir solidifies both as he soars.
Bringing back memories of rock and roll gone by, D’Priest launched into the London classic, “Werewolves in London” from the Non Stop Rock LP. Sounding better than ever, the boost of this presentation was in part by the incredible guitar solos via Mr. Sanders. As I stood watching Chris and his technique, I was reminded of another young guitarist I once had the pleasure of seeing many years ago at The Starwood. The band was called Quiet Riot. The guitarist was none other than Randy Rhoads. Chris is a dead ringer musically and enthusiastically. Mutual guitar mastery runs deep.
Things took a mellow turn as Nadir exposed himself bare in the, dare I say, power ballad, entitled “Miss You”, and then out of left field came the classic Nick Gilder hit “Hot Child in the City”. Ok, The London/D’Priest cover version shone bright on the Playa Del Rock album, but to me the full force of the show was hindered just a tad when this song was cranked up. A little too glam in a heavy setting. (Don’t get me wrong, D’Priest did a great job with the tune, it is just the song choice itself was perhaps what didn’t settle well with me.) But who the hell am I. I did get over it real quick though with the onset of “Drop the Bomb.”

And speaking of bombs (or the explosions contained herein), D’Priest as a unit owes much to the pulverizing pound of the diabolical Diablo. Drummers are like engineers, stoking the flames for instant combustion, and Diablo is full steam ahead. Double kick and double dangerous.
Wrapping up the evening was “Under the Gun” from London’s Don’t Cry Wolf LP and an unreleased to date piece entitled “Tie That Girl”. The later has all the earmarks of a big old hit. The audience agrees.
So the show ends and atmosphere sonic once again soothes the beasts, all except for Mr. Banker Man. The wails once again ensued and I sought refuge in the men’s room. Big mistake. During mid-pee the door slammed shut and the terror began. I attempted to make my escape but the door wouldn’t budge. I turned to look in the mirror and was horrified to see Mr. Banker Man standing right next to me. Blood spurting and rotten flesh moving with a life of its own, I trembled in place, fearing for my life. Good thing I had already pissed or it would have been in my pants.
With all the bravery I could muster I turned to confront the evil spirit that had plagued me so. But alas there was nothing. Attempting to take a “make sure” look in the mirror provided the realization that there was no mirror at all. Never was. I freaked and pushed the door (which opened with ease), bolting like a scared little boy.

Once outside my two female companions and I decided to go our separate ways (parting is such sweet sorrow), so I jetted solo up The Strip and into the night.
Suddenly I stopped to hear a distant wail and then a sigh. “Happy Halloweeeeeeeeen Lucky”, I heard Mr. Banker Man cry.