The Deadly Snakes
Paper Bag Records (Canada) In the Red Records (U.S.A)
Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The venomous snake rose from the basket and surveyed the surroundings. Flicking his tongue he gazed upon 6 men wooing him out of his slumber with the strange, hypnotic music.
The Deadly Snakes have been around Toronto for about the past 10 years and have four full releases under their belt. Their growth can be attributed to always looking ahead and shedding their old skin for rebirth and growth.
Porchella is their strongest release thus far. Each CD evolves from their past catalogue and adds and expands on previous ideas.
The Deadly Snakes unfairly get lumped into the “garage” category at times. Sure, elements of garage can be found in their music, but The Deadly Snakes have never stuck to one formula.
They are one of those bands that are hard to categorize and that in my opinion is a good thing.
Porchella is a CD of grand proportions. To break it down would be to rip it apart limb by limb as there is much to discover within this release. At times The Deadly Snakes come on like Lou Reed fronting the Bad Seeds while Tom Waits and Elvis Costello cheer from the sidelines.
The Deadly Snakes are merely The Deadly Snakes. No formulas, No Agenda and a fist full of soul.

Highly Recommended.
http://www.thedeadlysnakes.com http://www.intheredrecords.com http://www.paperbagrecords.com/pbr.html Back to The Shug