Dawn Laureen Photo Show
Sunset Boulevard
Echo Park, California
May 13, 2006
By Victoria Joyce
Photos by: Victoria Joyce
SugarBuzz Magazine
Rock and Roll Renaissance woman, Dawn Laureen reminds us of us. She does it all. Leader of The Eyeshadows; plays guitar and sings, music writer for a couple of mags, skates with the LA Derby Dolls and lover of animals to the point-her guitar is named “Fluffy” after her kitty cat. Awwwww.

Dawn’s passionate passion is photography. She is first rate and she’s been at it for a while now. Quite the portfolio; James Brown, Perry Ferrell, Neil Young, Meg Tilly and Johnny Cash with June Carter.
She’s been shooting since she was a kid. Our faves were the LA rock icons, Rodney Bingenheimer and Bill Gazzarri. And then we have Bowie, Iggy, Depeche Mode, the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s, Johnny Thunders and Johnny Ramone. Her library goes on but this very smallish gallery show in oh-so-hip Echo Park has about a dozen framed shots around the walls for tonight’s show.

With a series of shows in LA, we checked out her first-nighter the Saturday before Mother’s Day. The Devine Miss D greets us and intro’s us to the friends and gallery hoppers; artists, film makers, musicians and cutie pies. Rockers and shockers were munching and crunching on the chips, shrimps, tortilla wraps, cherry tomatoes and apple pie. “I feel so patriotic!” said one cutie with pie.
Dawn’s dear friend Frank Enfante of Blondie was nice enough to pose with his picture for our picture. Surrealistic or what?
Us: Tell us about the Bowie shot. (Tweed jacket, DA hair and playing a guitar)
Dawn: That was at the Roxy in the late 80’s

Us: Who is this on the invite?
Dawn: Iggy!
Us: Thought so. Recognized the torso.
“That’s that new metallic paper that I love!” Sitting down and signing these luminescent prints Iggy, David Bowie and a couple of self portraits in a laced up bustier, we asked her to sign one for us. She took this beautiful portrait of Arthur Kane from the New York Dolls. Laureen was Arthur’s neighbor for a while and appeared in the recent doc about the Doll. “They used one of my shots for the poster.” Again with the ‘Awwwww.”
The autographed 8x10’s were more than reasonable ($35) and we fell in love with the print of “Killer” Kane. In a black tux jacket, shocking pink polka dot shirt and Beatle blonde hair, sitting pretty with Dawn’s own kitty, Coco, on his lap. Can we do a third ‘Awwwww?’

Two more shows in Hollywood; June 3rd is part of the super big Black Cat Art Show and July 15 will be at Rock This-Celebrity Closet in West Hollywood. Say “Baby Swiss.”