The Roxy
Sunset Strip, West Hollywood
April 13, 2006
By Amie Dodd
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
Photos by Amie Dodd and Deziree Zuniga

Damone has had its share of ups and downs over the past few years, but you wouldn’t know it from the blistering tunes they crank out at their live shows. I had the pleasure of speaking with guitarist Mike Woods after the band opened up for the 69 Eyes at the Whisky a few weeks back, and told him I’d definitely catch them opening for Bullets and Octane at the Roxy. They did not disappoint.
For the uninitiated, Damone, (taken from the sleazy ticket scalper character Mike Damone from the movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”) burst onto the scene with their 2003 RCA Records debut “From the Attic.” I was introduced to the band’s music at this time, and was really sorry to hear they had parted ways with their label without a follow-up CD being released. I shouldn’t have worried - Island/Def Jam knew a good thing when they heard it, and Damone’s new album “Out Here All Night” will hit shelves May 23rd. Harder and faster than their first, this is definitely on heavy rotation in my car...

The only complaint I could have had about the Roxy show was how short it was. 30 minutes is just not enough time to pack in all the songs I wanted to hear, but I guess it’s good to always leave ‘em wanting a little more. Opening with “Now Is the Time,” vocalist/guitarist Noelle LeBlanc immediately grabbed the crowd’s attention and didn’t let go. I usually don’t gravitate towards bands with chick singers, but Noelle is amazing Suzi Quatro style and a shredder on the guitar. Drummer Dustin Hengst is a monster on the drums. He hits so hard and fast on “Out Here All Night” it makes me want to learn to play the drums just so I can be THAT cool. Vazquez on bass and Mike Woods on guitar round out the rest of the band, and are just a blast to watch with their high energy licks and rock star posing. You’d never know they’ve been out on the road for weeks now...
The highlight of the show for me was “Your Girlfriends.” I love this song, and was so happy the second I heard the opening guitars. Don’t ever drop this one out of the set list, guys! The biggest response from the crowd was for the new single “Out Here All Night,” and with good reason. This song will just kick your ass!!! ‘Nuff said. (Download it for free right now on iTunes:http://www.musicmedialink.com/a?t=a1590)
I HIGHLY recommend checking out Damone live if you get the chance. You know I’ll be there...

Damone is currently touring through May 28th.