The Daily Void
IDENTIFICATION CODE: 5271-684346864436-4519
Dead Beat Records-2007
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz MaGaZinE
Everyone has his or her favourite “Evil” sounding record. One that comes to mind is the first time I dropped the needle onto The Accused’s The Revenge of Martha Splatterhead. I thought that hell had come to my house; 666 appeared on my scalp, my head rotated counterclockwise and a ring of fire circled my house in the shape of a pentagram.
Forward 20+ years into the future and I find myself at that point again. The white light has left my saintly heart and been filled with darkness, deceit, death, dismemberment and debauchery.
Pop the lid on the pill bottle and choke down some sin. Washed dutifully south with shots of absinthe of course! Early Lost Sounds as if Jay Retard was actually clinically insane combined with the haunting echoes of Adverts and Death Church playing dutifully through an AM transistor radio.
Calling all Neophytes. Skip the radio fodder. Open up your mouth for the choirmaster and choke on the Daily Void. In the name of the father, the son and the functional blackout.

Venom plays garage. 666 the Neighbor is a beast!