Cruefest Hollywwod 2006
The Whisky A Go-Go
Hollywood CA
July 15, 2006
By Lucky
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
Photos By Lucky
The thought had crossed my mind from time to time in the weeks prior to Cruefest Hollywood 2006. Had it really been a year since the last time we all had gathered for this worthy cause? Had it really been a year since we rocked out to the likes of Lovely, Backseat Superstars and Vains of Jenna? Had it really been a year since last summer’s beachfest ? (oops that is a whole different story!)

The answer to all was a resounding Yes! A whole year had flown by and the masses were again gathering in Hollywood to once again celebrate everything that is Crue! Motley Crue that is.
Now before we get started I must say a few huge thanks. First off our love and appreciation go out to Marc and Doreen Vachone for their unprecedented generosity. They donated around $500 worth of the most awesome rock clothing and accessories for the annual SugarBuzz Magazine donation basket that is used to raise money for this worthy cause. (If you are not already aware, then I will tell you that Cruefest is a charity event to raise money for the Skylar Neil Foundation.)
Also love and thanks go out to Media Ho Promotions and Hollywood rock band Rebel Rebel for adding some music to the donations. You guys ROCK!!

Speaking of making the show, this years festivities started at 2pm sharp. Yeah, 2 in the afternoon. Bloody hell, I am just waking up by then!! So needless to say I was fucking late. My deepest apologies go out to the first few bands that played. I heard you guys so rocked. My loss!
When I did saunter in The Whisky it was sometime after the 3pm hour. Of course the first person I ran into is none other that the man himself, Tom Morgan. Tom is the guy that puts on Cruefest every year and what an amazing job he does. Tom was sweating like a mother fucker and the first thing he said to me was, “Lucky, it is really fucking hot this year!” No shit, Hollywood, in fact all around the USA has been getting some record heat.” But thank goodness The Whisky’s A/C was cranking and inside it was nice and cool.

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the lights, my attention immediately was diverted to the stage as one could not take notice as to what was happening up there. The band was Antidote, and they were rocking the shit. My first thought was how much these guys reminded me of the first time I saw Motley Crue at The Starwood. Way back when. Young, eager, on fire and smoking. I wish I had gotten a set list of theirs because I really want to know what the songs they played were called. Snotty, kickass goodtime rock and roll blasted from the PA. Tasty chew and big full bottom ensued. Antidote, hailing from Santa Cruz, also has a loyal fan base, as all through the night I kept seeing kickers wearing Antidote T-Shirts. I especially noticed some really hot ladies in them. Wow!! Antidote closed their set with Motley’s “Red Hot”, because as lead vocalist, Binge Matthews put it, “It’s so fucking Hot!” Antidote is red hot too!
Up next were the ferocious heavy hitters, Diamond Lane. These bad boys from San Jose, CA opened with the so apropos “Cut to the Chase”. I immediately liked what these guys were doing. Despite being a three piece rock outfit, the mass of sound created allowed no holes. Full and rock solid. Other great songs included, “I’ll Do It”, “Hollywood Hero” and an introspective “Crystal”.
But the real treat for me was when Diamond Lane lead singer and bass master Brandon Baumann turned to drummer Jeff Steel and said something to the affect of, “give me some cowbell”. I instantly knew what was coming, and I was right. The best fucking rendition of Nazareth’s “Hair of the Dog” I have heard in eons. You know, the song that goes; “Now you’re messing, with a son of a bitch”. I loved it! Way to go guys! You best be cruising the Diamond Lane when they hit your town.
Up next on the world famous Whisky A Go-Go stage was Spiral Arms. Due to many hot blue and blue-white stars, the spiral arms stand out among the other parts of the galaxy, and the red hot stars of the bay area’s Spiral Arms stood out in Hollywood. Sporting a modern spin on classic 70’s sound and some rock solid hits, Spiral Arms delivered. Not having a set list, the song titles were aloof to me, but their smooth like aged scotch attack had the crowd riveted. Soulful, melodic, and pumping, the band kept on driving them home. Bassist Cornbread really added flavor to the show and I really liked the vocal sounds of Tim Narducci. You will be hearing more from this band soon.

Keeping the rock reeling was Hollywood’s own Scarlet Rose. Scarlet Rose was interviewed a while back here at SugarBuzz and I was really looking forward to their set. Opening with a tune about falling in love with a L.A. girl, Scarlet Rose let us have it with both barrels. I was especially impressed with the sonic assault of guitarist Roxy Vain, This guy has it all, youth, looks, and wicked hooks. Fucker! “Picture in a Magazine” ripped it up and had several Crueheads playing air guitar like there was no tomorrow. Sleazy reined supreme with the classic “Hollywood”. Yeah I too, wasted my life in Hollywood. But I wouldn’t have had it any other way. The girls love the guys, and I think the guys do too.
Ok the next band I saw unloading their equipment from the station wagon while I was out for a puff, and I was like “ok, who the fuck are these guys”. White pancake makeup on their faces, that I was surprised hadn’t melted off already in the 100+ degree heat, made me really wonder about the sanity of this act. “Man I hope these guys don’t suck” I thought as I waited for them to set up their equipment. Then it began. Oh we oh we oh. And the explosive riffs of “No Comprimise”. I suddenly became a Miss Crazy fanatic.

Straight ahead rock, some down right boogie, hooks that grab you by the balls, and an almost AC/DC edge. At first listen, I was comparing lead singer Marcus Allen Christopher to that of Brian Johnson. But after close scrutiny I heard more of a likeness to the singer from Krokus. Just a thought.
Ok once again, no set list. I wished I had time to hook up with each group for one. But I just wanted to have fun. Too much effort man! But they had a great song I think was called Billie or something like that, and they dedicated an awesome fucking tune to Angelica (Fellow Cruefest Organizer) that I think was called “Now”. Real lethal rock. This band hails from San Francisco and is going places in a big fucking way. See them as soon as they hit your town you won’t be disappointed.
Rok Hollywood did just that. Hailing from Indianapolis, Indiana you would have thought this band was right off the streets of Sunset. These good looking guys took the stage and kicked some serious ass with “Medicine Man”.
Rok Hollywood sports 80’s good time metal influences in the vain of Bon Jovi and Van Halen. The party was in full swing. Infectious songs like “Rise” and “I Can’t Wait” had the girls a gaggle and the guys stomping. An extremely beautiful number entitled “Heaven” was dedicated to Skylar Neil. A damn touching moment if I do say so myself.

We had a special treat as Rok Hollywood was joined on stage by non other than Neil Wharton (Vince Neil’s son). It so rocked. Come back to Hollywood soon guys! Class act!
A side note way worth mentioning is that whenever any band played their Motley Crue cover song, as each band did, they were joined on stage by the extremely beautiful Glitter Kittens, a modern day rock burlesque act. All I can say is wow! What talent. Hot Hot Hot.
Longtime friends, Elegantly Wasted were up next. If you have been around the block at least once you know who these guys (and girl) are. Boozy and bold, this is a drinking man’s band. Belly up to the bar and listen to the vibe. Mixing blues and damn good rock, Elegantly Wasted soars past barriers of expectation.

Front man Lenny J has the necessary attitude to give the band street creed, and when he breaks out his fucking slide, it heartbreaking and soul shaking. Pure magic ensues.
And speaking of magic, my heart always skips a beat when lead guitarist Diana does her thing. Something about this gals no nonsense fret work that just sucks me in. I got a thing for you girl!
Returning for a second year with another mind blowing performance was none other than Sabrina Korva.

Everybody’s sweetheart rocked The Whisky with grit and songs that are way beyond her years. Talent just oozes from every pour of this young lady, and I can only imagine how read hot her act will be in say 4 or 5 more years, as life deals it’s deck, for each time I see her and the band perform they just keep getting better and better.
Sabrina has an arsenal of great rock cuts, and performed familiar and unfamiliar classics like “Beg like a Dog” and “Nobody Home”, which is brand new and highlights the fact that the hit machine is in full swing. Raw energy is guaranteed each time Sabrina does up “Someone Else’s Wife” and she really cut loose in the instant number one with a bullet “Hold On To Myself”. Man this girl was all over the stage and was really having the time of her life.
Sabrina is backed by some of the hottest musicians gathered from coast to coast. Special shout out goes to my buddy Pauly, whom not only plays drums for Sabrina, but also lays down the beat for previous act, Elegantly Wasted. You didn’t miss a beat my friend! And who is that rock demon playing that mean bass guitar? Well shit my pants it’s none other than Kirk, or as he is called in the rock and roll trenches, Crue Dawg. Love ya fucker!

The time now arrived for the band that shit loads of people have been buzzing about for months. All the way from York, United Kingdom is none other than Kid Ego. And did this band live up to all the hype? Fucking A they did.
Kid Ego has a new powerhouse release out entitled “Ignite the Tide” and the packed out Whisky was given a fucking healthy dose. Leveling the playing field, the skin tight punch of “Lady Conniver” was like standing in the middle of two rockem sockem robots. Sizzling guitar leads via the fast finger work of guitarist Birdy made the punch all more lethal.
Kid Ego played a brand new song that the fans on their side of the pond had not even heard yet. Ok…not sure, but if I understood correctly it was called “What in the Pink”. If that isn’t the title, it should be. Sure made all the ladies in the crowd getting hot and bothered. The UK fans are gonna love it!
The knock out blow as delivered in the kick ass rocker “Heartbreak Hooker”, with the addictive chorus and straight ahead locomotive charge, this song blew the roof of the joint. And just to make sure to shingles were left standing; Kid Ego’s rendition of Motley’s “Shout at the Devil” sealed the deal.

Opening Cruefest last year and now in a prime time slot was the bad boys from Sweden, now Hollywood street urchins, Vain of Jenna. If you have seen this band live, or have heard their music, you know they are high octane playing with fire. If you do not know who Vain of Jenna are, then you better fucking wake up cause you got a big surprise coming.
Today’s answer to G&R, Vains of Jenna play raunchy howling ball busting street rock. And the fans love them. Playing hit after fucking hit from their new release “Lit Up/Let Down” the packed, and I do mean packed, house raised their fists, bottles and vials in utter tribute.
Lizzy Devine just erupts on stage. Hard to believe he is the same down to earth guy I’ve had the pleasure of bellying up to the bar with from time to time. You rock fucker. Nicki Kin shred his heart out on lead guitar and the turbo charged JP White and Jacki Stone, bass and drums respectively, are the backbone of this world class act. Vains of Jenna are the real fucking rock star deal. No if, ands or buts

Sadly the crowd started to thin a tad right before the next act took the stage. Their loss as The Lived treated us to some truly demented rock. With songs about an insane crazy bitch, big old balls, world’s biggest dick (was that about Diamond Dave?) and crack cocaine, The Lived proved to be quite an experience.
The Lived is fronted by Alan Vine on piano and vocals. Many may know Alan from his days as the bass player in Vince Neil’s solo project. This guy is way off center and his mind set is reflected in the craft he weaves. Not sure why, but Alan reminded me of a modern day rock and roll Frank Zappa.
I still can’t shake form my mind the ultra awesome song called “Let’s Get High”. Stand out to the max.
Toward the end of The Lived’s set, Alan invited everyone to a party at one of his band mate’s houses. I could only imagine the debauchery that was going to take place there. Damn sorry I missed it

The final act of the night was next. But not before yours truly took the stage to drawn the winning high end raffle ticket ($20 a shot) for the fucking to die for Marc Vachon rocker denim jacket. And the winner is… Jasmine. This girl was hot and will be looking hotter sporting this killer jacket. I chased Jasmine down for a picture and while I was doing this the other 2 baskets SugarBuzz donated were given away. Man you fuckers were fast, I couldn’t find you to congratulate. Email me if you were one of the winners please.
The last act each year is always a full on Motley Crue cover band and this year was none other than True 2 Crue. But with a twist. Seems their lead singer was unable to make the show due to a prior engagement, so standing in on lead vocals was Neil Wharton. Blasting through one Crue hit after another the night came to a smashing end. Boy was I beat.
After a few quick goodbyes, I was off. The lines on the freeway were a fucking blur, but somehow I made it back to the mansion on the hill safely. One question now lingers in my mind. Is it 2007 yet? See all you fuckers next year!

Photos top to bottom are...
Binge Matthews / Antidote
Brandon Baumann /Diamnond Lane
Cornbread /Spiral Arms
Roxy Vain / Scarlet Rose
Connor James Dawson /Scarlet Rose
Marcus Allen Christopher / Miss Crazy
Rox Hollywood

Diana / Elegantly Wasted
Sabrina Korva
Zakk / Kid Ego
Lizzy Devine / Vain of Jenna
Alan Vine / The Lived
Jasmine (SugarBuzz winner)
Neil Wharton / True 2 Crue
Zelda Saint-Wilde /The Glitter Kittens