The Motherfucker Ball
The Cramps
The Avalon, NYC
Sept. 3, 2006
By Wayne
(SugarBuzz NYC)
Photos By Wayne
I’ve gone out of my way to steer clear of churches ever since I became old enough to think for myself, did a bit of research and learned that all religions are in fact man-made and myth-based not to mention oppressive and opposed to much that I care about including fun and fucking and as such best to be avoided. Yet an exception was made for the latest Motherfucker Ball held Labor Day Weekend at the Avalon. Formerly the Limelight it’s a former Church built in the 1830’s, this somewhat Gothic and spooky looking structure is perhaps the most unusual venue you‘ll ever hear music in.

Even better this Motherfucker Ball (the first I attended since The New York Dolls played a scorching set here in the middle of a cold winter night earlier this year) was to feature The Cramps in a long overdue return to the town of their musical birth and signaling a return to live performance after a too long hiatus. Much as I never saw The Ramones again after Dee Dee left - the original line-up with Tommy being the one I loved most - I likewise never saw The Cramps after the departure of Nick Knox though I remained a fan of their always solid releases, so it was time to get reacquainted with my old flame and the Motherfucker Ball would provide the ultimate opportunity.
Arriving two hours before show time a line of those who hadn’t bought tickets went around the block in this Chelsea neighborhood and eventually ground to a halt as the show reached capacity. Probably dangerously full but no matter cause there are always room for more faithful in the Church of Sin with the several thousand in attendance featuring a healthy helping of “Transvestites, Transexuals And Chicks With Dicks” to paraphrase a favorite Jeff Dahl song.

But could they still deliver? Like Dick Cheney delivering a blast of shotgun pellets to the face they were on it from the git-go opening with “Mystery Plane” (“My daddy drives a UFO”) from their earliest daze at CBGB’s and Max’s Kansas City, their mojo on full display and no need to build up to anything cause they were simply there from the start.
Next followed “The Way I Walk” as they continued with a perfect blend of Cramps classics old (“Human Fly”, “Tear It Up”, “Primitive”, an insanely pounding “Psychotic Reaction”) and new (“Dames, Booze, Chains & Boots”, “Let’s Get Fucked Up”, “It Thing Hard-On”, “Hang Up”) as well as surprises including “Hanky Panky” which they used to play regularly back during the Peppermint Lounge days of the early 80’s.
A scorching take on Love’s “My Flash On You” dedicated to Arthur Lee who Lux reminded the crowd “is DEAD, but I‘M STILL ALIVE!!” laughing maniacally afterwards. No disrespect meant I’m sure and The Cramps beat the devil out of this one, pounding it hard till the stained glass shook.

Ivy looked as if she hadn’t aged a day since the first time I saw her in ’76 yet her talent as a guitarist has steadily increased to where she‘s one of the best.
Lux looked different (was his hair blonde or golden?) but equally unaged and unhinged, they were joined by at this point long-time bassist Chopper Franklin and the return of fan fave Harry Drumdini after a several year absence. One part Rockabilly, one part 60’s Garage Punk and a third part completely their own The Cramps were undiminished in power able to squash the competition like the bugs they mostly are.
Clearly gassed to be back in New York City and obviously relishing the fact that this was the Devil’s music in a Church Lux reminded us over and over that we were all a bunch of dirty sinners headed straight for hell, encouraging the crowd to blow up the Church which in a way is exactly what happened. The temperature continued to rise with some party goers one flight up stage right stripping down and grinding away while the band played below them. If you were to ask me I’d say this is what Churches should be used for and there ought to be Rock & Roll and fucking in every church around the globe.

One minute fellating the mike, swilling and spewing bottles of red wine then clmbing up over the P.A. Lux was as possessed as ever with the crowd responding in kind. The Cramps brought the Voodoo and gave us what could only be described as a religious experience, the only kind of religious experience worth having in the Church Of Rock & Roll.