Clit 45
2,4,6,8…We’re the Kids You Love to Hate
BYO records-2006
Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
Clit 45 Photo By Skateboards
SugarBuzz Magazine
CLITORIS: Is an organ above the opening of a female's vagina and above the opening of the urethra. It is located where the folds of flesh come to a point in the upper/top/front/ part of a female's pubic area, between the labia. It is a very small, sensitive bump, about the size of a pea. It feels good when it is rubbed or touched. Slang terms: Man in the boat, clit. (Definition from http://www.iwannaknow.org/glossary/)
45- Five More than forty or five less than 50
Clit 45- they will explode if you rub them the wrong way! (Star Wars fans especially!)

A return to the old form when Hardcore actually had balls; big hairy truckers nuts! Full of jizz, swollen and ready to explode upon impact! It is no surprise that Clit 45 are on BYO as parallels can be drawn to other bands on that fine label from yesteryear such as Youth Brigade, 7 Seconds and Battalion of Saints. Like a rabid dog with fangs poised to infect you full of poison, Clit 45 take you by the jugular and drain your life force.
Clit 45 skip the nice cuddly boy next door and go right for the kill. This reviewer actually listens to cd’s and finds that Clit 45 covers The Damned-Stab Your Back. A healthy nod to all that is good!
This release finds Clit 45 rerecording a slew of out of print songs from ep’s and 7”s. Buy this cd and piss your neighbours off. Pure pent up aggression in a bottle ready to explode.