Johnny Cheapo
Rock-n-Roll Sinner
Smut Records-2002
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
Sex and drugs and rock and roll is all brain and body need
Sex and drugs and rock and roll are very good indeed-Ian Dury and the Blockheads
Cheapo has the mic cord wrapped around his arm like some gigantic anaconda constricting off all blood supply to your thump thump thumpin’ throbbin’lifesource.
Smacking your bitch head up with a Gibson SG and throwing you back to New Yuk 1976. Dig it Brother? This ain’t a malodorous stench wafting from between Johnny Thunders unwashed feet.
Crimson is drawn with first bite numbing the misinformed into trance and then embalming them with a combination of absinthe, codeine, and pure uncut rock and roll. Tip the bottle-kill your liver. Smash the Bottle-Slit your Wrists. Slipping, sliding into euphoric state falling deeper into the dank, dark pit of rock and roll junkies and groupie whores.

Johnny ain’t no cheap bastard as his name paints. Full of life and willing to give. So pop a few Cheapo Rock and Roll Sinner ludes and numb the pain for the old 9 to 5 rat race.
Any man that covers The Dictators and pulls it off has his leopard spotted creepers firmly planted in back alley, sleaze filled, rock and roll. LAMF!