Bootie LA
Podcast Interviews with Adrian + The Mysterious D and Paul V.
The Echo
Los Angeles CA
March 1, 2008
By Victoria Joyce
(SugarBuzz New Jersey)
SugarBuzz Magazine
March roared in like a lion in Echo Park. Swinging down Sunset, The Echo was turning ‘em away for the third Bootie LA of Oh-Eight. This white-hot and dry ice cool club of Mashups is getting more buzz than disappearing Honey Bees.

We got to sit down with Bootie LA DJ and co-promoter, handsome Paul V. (sorry girls, he’s gay!) in the Echo’s patio for a sweet pre-set interview. This DJ has spun in clubs for 27 years and gave us some history and in-depth techie info on the success mashup music. And he ought to know!
We forgot to ask; does V stand for Veteran or Very Busy? Pretty Paul broadcasts two radio shows, promotes and spins at two monthly nightclubs and keeps three myspace pages. Red Bull or what?
Paul says Bootie is not for the shallow scene-ster’s with “blunt haircuts and skinny jeans.” Hey, wait a minute! We got a fine new blunt haircut. (Thanks Vidal Sassoon!) Is he talking about us? Couldn’t be. Our skinny jeans make us look fat. OK Paul V., we still love you.
Click here to listen to the interview, or right click and select "save target as' to download.
The night was nuts so we had to wait till the next day to sit down with Bootie starters, A+D who are exactly, Adrian and the Mysterious D (who talked plenty for someone with laryngitis). We were gifted with the additional presence of Bootie cutie, Party Ben of San Francisco.

We sat at Swingers on Beverly Boulevard sipping shakes and chewing French Toast. Too cool. The traffic was a little loud. But not too loud to drown out Party Ben who gave us the lowdown on Bootie Munich. Yavol.
A+D gave us more international intrigue. Heading for the continent, it’s Springtime in Paris for these Mashup masters. Ooh la la.
Click here to listen to interview, or right click and select "save target as' to download.
This Bootie is getting bigger and bigger. In this case, it’s a good thing.
