SOS Records-2005
By Christopher Duda
(SugarBuzz Toronto)
SugarBuzz Magazine
Main Entry: blitz
Pronunciation: 'blits
Function: noun
1 a: Blitzkreig1 b (1): an intensive aerial campaign (2): Air Raid
2 a: an intensive non-military campaign: a sudden overwhelming bombardment <an advertising blitz> b: a rush of the passer by the defensive linebackers in football
From Merriam Webster Dictionary
Someone’s gonna die tonight! Oi! Oi! Oi! - Blitz
Oi! ‘Ave ya fookin’ ‘eard. Blitz is still kicking ya in the guts with their street-smart boots. Blitz drop an aerial aural assault that will keep your ears ringing and your dirty unwashed hands swillin’ pints up to your punched out pie hole.
“Voice of a Generation” was a classic punk LP released in 1982 on No Future Records. Blitz ultimately helped get the label off the ground. Classic tracks from that LP such as “Warriors,” “Time Bomb,” “I Don’t Need You” and “Nation on Fire” plus others are included on this “hits” compilation put out by SOS records.
If British punk in this vein gets your adrenaline pounding than Blitz should be a staple in your diet.
SOS records once again do a great job of feeding the fire with this release.

For newcomers or old fans, this is a great way to introduce or reintroduce you to a definite voice of a generation.
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