Billy Hopeless
By Geordie Pleathur
(SugarBuzz Wasteland)
SugarBuzz Magazine
"They still don't want to admit to the world that this isn't the best, and the fairest, and most equal, justice-system. And that they are guilty of railroading people into jail. They don't want to, or never will, admit these things." (- Leonard Peltier)
"Keep you doped with religion, and sex, and TV..." (-John Lennon)
"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers!" (-Ralph Nader)
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (-Margaret Mead)
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter..." (-Martin Luther King)

"The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves." (-Larry Flynt)
"I heard God screamin' through his tears, he said, I'm not comin'...Save yourself!" (-T.V. Smith "Lord's Prayer")
Bam from Dogs D'Amour on Billy's Black Halos: "I must admit when I first discovered them, I did 'ave 'em for breakfast every day, for a few months. HAHAHAHA. Damn good combo!" Like summa youse, I read about Black Halos in "Hit-List" magazine, years ago, and heard summa their stuff, but 'was only able to follow them, from afar, because I've pretty much been disconnected, all the way, since, like, 1996. In modern years, I've had the tragic misfortune of encountering far too many music-scene ruling, parasitical sons of democracy-killing C.E.O.'s, who use their evil blood-money inheritances to attach themselves to true artists, and siphon-out all their soul, and creativity, for personal-gain. Closet-vampires, who pay real artists (who are all-too-often, very literally, starving to death, in the actual gutter,) to trade vicariously on their sordid associations with these genuine talents, and attempt to legitimize their hollow-hearted, run-of-the-mill, girl-fucking, cocaine-ambitions, by buying their way in, and exploiting other people's talent, ideas, and material. Identity thieves. I've known creeps who smugly work for Agent Orange manufacturers in big offices all week, but can employ highly-credible musicians to back them up, in their jive-ass, pretend-punk bands, on the weekends, with MC5 patches on their leather vests. These wanks just never got it, at all....Younger kids buy-in to their lousy shit, because they always have loads of money to pump in to producing more flashy product. Tim Yo from "Maximum Rock'n'Roll" is dead and gone.

This has made me slow to embrace new artists I'm less familiar with, because the scene is so over-crowded with formulaic showbiz-nepotism, snotty trust-funded label owners, brazen disinformation agents, greedy sell-outs, posers, and social-climbing whores. These "made-men"--tiny tyrants, and junior moguls, can make it really hard for you to live, thrive, and survive, if you're outspoken, refuse to endorse their glossy, emotion-free, shit-bands, 'unencumbered by any personal experiences, or honest originality---esp., if "their" women like you, or you threaten their turf! They're the power-holders, so it's very easy for them to black-list you from jobs, if you get stranded in their zip-codes. They have no common decency, or moral-sensitivity, because they work for the devil---and not the cute, billiards and drag-strip lovin' guy with the goatee, from your favorite Rev. Horton Heat black concert t-shirt, either! I mean the professional shysters, scoundrels, market-manipulators, plague-developers, international crime-families, and war-profiteers. The shadow governments. The mega-rich, actual white-collar terrorists. Whenever big-oil dynasties have a family feud, with their former business partners, it's the peasants who get killed, by contract-assassins. Somehow, that seems a bit wrong. Everybody falls for this huge sham, because they keep us ignorant, and in the dark, on purpose.
The real criminals aren't the innocent tax-payers who peacefully protest bogus profit-wars, and get tasered and arrested for disorderly conduct. The real criminals are the golf-playing, millionaire so-called public-servants, who flit back and forth between government, and the private sector, working for billionaires, and changing the laws of the land, to suit the bottom-line interests of the wealthiest one percent. Alot of them should be behind bars for enterprise racketeering. There's supposed to be a new administration in power. Where are the new policies? Where are the criminal prosecutions, at the top? Who's really in charge, here? Big business, as usual.
In America, they constantly ratchet up the fear, 24-Hour cable-news cycles are constantly predicting death-plagues and terrorist attacks, so everybody willingly consents to shuttin' up, consuming blindly, working two jobs, mean-spiritedly competing with their former pals, trying to "get ahead", and doin' what their told. Canada's lookin' better all the time. The former head of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, a hardcore right-winger, just came out, admitting, he was instructed to raise his color-coded, terrorist-threat alerts, conveniently, in time for that second-rigged election. Few of the suburbanite burger kings have given thought to where all these methane gasses and Mad Cow diseases come from. Factory farms, where they feed cows cow, and chickens chicken. They don't show the "Food Inc." movie in the rural plantation-states. It's all "reality shows", that make it seem like most of vain America is planning more plastic-surgeries, while leisurely, shopping on Melrose, like that's something to be proud of. There are those of us who have no desire, whatsoever, to "Keep Up With The Kardashians", or discuss those fuckin' awful television programs, in detail, everyday. Remember the Anthrax-scare, when they told us all to "Keep Shopping", and to go buy Duct-Tape?!! That's the men in the towers talking. "His Master's Voice".
The child abusing, Spam-eating, rural fundamentalists proudly dress their infant babies in G.I. Joe camo-onesies, made for Wal-Mart in third-world swet-shops, and slavishly believe whatever they're told, by cop-state news-bullies, on FOX TV, because they're all frightened that the scary black man is conspiring to take away their shotguns. If they only knew how much money the Democrats receive from weapons manufacturers, and gun lobbyists, perhaps they would be less hysterical. These racist hillbilly birthers are the same folks who would benefit the most from real health-care reform. "Will work for dental". Meanwhile, the infinitely more empowered, college educated, consumer-classes quit thinking critically, they're all preoccupied with private vanities and the craven pursuit of more luxuries, because desire always just begets more desire. They're all too busy, guarding their piles, to ever serve as agents for change. They don't wanna bite the big-business hand that feeds them more hot-pockets, hot-tubs, and silvery appliances. I suppose we were all programmed from kindergarten to have all this unquestioning belief that this was somehow ever, "the land of the free, and home of the brave", when it was built on the blood of indians, and backs of slaves.
The blue collar majority don't read books, and somehow, they're all just comforted by the notion they're being "protected" by their elite oppressors, and corporate pay-masters.
Rockstars, and other rich liberals, should get off their asses, and donate good books to public libraries, because the vast majority of us can't afford to buy new books, and lots of us don't have the internet, at home. How are we supposed to LEARN? At universities? On government loans? If we don't get shot first, in Afghanistan, or Iraq, to feed some billionaire's wealth addiction?
It's been years, since many of us have been able to afford to go see live bands in clubs, so it wasn't until I, very recently, got more frequent access to computers, that I was able to explore Youtube, and more fully discover how good BILLY HOPELESS really is. I just wanna say I'm really happy to finally be more properly exposed to his work, because Billy Hopeless gives ME some renewed hope for real rock'n'roll. There's just so, so many phony, blood-suckers, and false-prophets, runnin' around, with the black hair and skull-rings, anymore, that it sometimes takes awhile to correctly suss-out who is who. Nowadays, EVERYBODY looks like the Throbs, y'know?? Time usually outs the insincere tourists, and it also reveals how hopelessly devoted certain rock'n'rollers are to this brutal calling.
Hopeless has overcome loads of bullshit, and tours, tours, tours, keeps fanning the flame. See-he asks not what pure rock'n'roll can do for him, but what he can do for pure rock'n'roll. That makes him absolutely exceptional, and heroic, in this ruthless, money-grubbing, gilded-age. Billy Hopeless totally, "Gets It". He ain't here to kiss nobody's ass, or suck-up to the false faced, fat frat-brothers, who bought their way into our underground. I'm a total fan, and convert. I always love a fearlessly creative punk'n'roll pilgrim, consumed with pushing the boundaries, and developing something new, and always striving to be original...a heavily-bruised, champion performer, and risk-taking, truth-teller.
Nowadays, the surveillance-state shock troops, mercenaries, spies, arms-dealers, oil-thieves, corporate eco-rapists, Wall Street shell-gamers, insurance company extortionists, the chemical companies that develop both viruses and vaccines for profit, the unrelenting urban-development/real-estate tycoons with their sprawling campaigns to vanquish all affordable housing-constantly pushing more and more people on to the streets, or in to their privatized-prisons...and all their stock-holding lawyers, lobbyists, and shameless marketers, these are the very same dark forces who now completely own the big-media, outright. ALL the magazines. ALL the newspapers. ALL the venues and booking-agencies. ALL the TV and radio stations--even the social- networking sites, on-line, so they can keep tabs on where you've been. In this climate of fear, police brutality, and big-media rule, you are not permitted to hear any heart-felt, inspirational, authentic, or humane music, on the State Radio, anymore, because they know that real music inspires action, hope, and solidarity. Brace yourselves, cos here comes some more assembly-lined, American Idol contestants, jail-bait reality show hookers horny for that graying executive pay, pro-war knobs and military shills, like Kid Rock, and Jessica Simpson. These are the corporate-tools, robots, slick-pros, and hack-opportunists, who will continue to dominate the covers of "Spin" and "Rolling Stone", henceforth. Jann Wanker may have been friends with Hunter S. Thompson, and we thank him for publishing his work, but that was a long time ago. In the 90's, he FIRED Lester Bangs biographer, Jim DeRogatis, for saying Hootie And The Blowfish sucked, so as not to offend his corporate bed-fellows. How ELSE d'ya think Madonna got in to the rock'n'roll hall of shame before Wendy O. Williams, or the Runaways??? The money. They may have been faux-hipsters, or still-illegal drug- users, a long time ago, but now, their only loyalty is to their big-business class. It's sickening, cos they all fucking know better. Almost every big-media professional I know is happy, and willing, to incessantly, praise gutless, manufactured, puerile banality (with a hot chick on bass) so they can maintain their credit-card debt that pays for their morning-smoothies, vacations, vintage cars, expensive guitars, motorcycles, condos, tattoo shops, recording studios, gym-memberships, personal trainers, assistants, Botox, and growing collections of whatever it is, they're all so fookin' desperate to accumulate.

Like Stiv sang, "You gotta walk it, man, just like you talk it!/Throwaway youth you gotta take a stand!" Billy Hopeless is one of the few, and the proud, real rock'n'roll motherfuckers, to even vaguely penetrate the plastic rawk product facade industry, in these grim and woeful years, since the coup de tat. He is a courageous, fully organic, blood and guts, full-time, no compromise=no regrets, old school punk'n'roll motherfucker, who rolls down sidewalks with the great Duane Peters, from U.S. Bombs, etc., and is probably the best untamed front man since Gio Vitanza. DUANE PETERS: "Billy is screwed, blue, and tattoed way before the bones like a mofo, and is a very cool mang, for a God Damned u'e and a boot. He would make Stiv proud. ARRR!!!!" See? I'm always initially, a skeptic, too, but he completely won me over, cos he's got the real goods. The Hard Stuff. Guts, integrity, soul, and compassion. He suffers no bull-shitters, and he sings from the heart. This is how it's done, kids. There are loads of really outstanding, action packed, videos of Billy, on Youtube. Check 'em all out.
I wanted to chat with him about rock'n'roll, in general, because it's clear he has pretty flawless taste in music. But I'm not here to teach you, I'm only here to reach you, so let me Shaddup, and hand the microphone over to the one and only, BILLY HOPELESS.
SUGARBUZZ: What was the milestone album, or landmark event, that first triggered your desire to pursue rock'n'roll?

BILLY HOPELESS: When I was a kid, they used to show Beatles movies, at a movie theatre, not too far from my house. I was taken to see them by my Japanese second family, and that's when I first got infected, and decided, for some reason, that I wanted to be like Ringo. Then, they introduced me to Kiss, and I wanted to be the Space Ace. Then, came the Dolls on Don Kirshner, and then, the Ramones, and I wanted to be Joey. Then, the Vancouver punk-scene found me, and raised me, and still salute me, whilst my tattered, red-splattered, body flies recklessly, wherever the winds might blow me!
SUGARBUZZ: Who were the great Canadian bands?
BILLY HOPELESS: D.O.A, the Sub-Humans, the Young Canadians, the Modernettes, Death Sentence, Art Bergman, Skinny Puppy, S.N.F.U, Curious George, the Day-glo Abortions, The Forgotten Rebels, The Bombshells, Teenage Head, The Viletones, Jp5, Tank Hog, Sweeney Todd, The Diodes, the Wheat Chiefs...Man! There's been too many...but have you ever heard Slow? Check out the "Against The Glass" E.P.! Or look up, "Have Not Been The Same" on Youtube, at least!
SUGARBUZZ: How were you affected by punk rock? Was Mike Monroe an influence? Strummer? David Jo?
BILLY HOPELESS: David Jo for sure, Mister Monroe and Hanoi came later, I'll say, Alice Cooper, Kiss, Nazareth, the Ramones, and D.O.A... but once again, there was so many bands that were doing so many great, different things- like The Boomtown Rats, Plasmatics, Sigue Sigue Sputnik... Yeah, I know a lot of them got labeled "new wave", but to me, it was really cool and brilliant-like the Pointed Sticks...and ah yes, DEVO!! Then ya got yer next wave with stuff like Paul Dianno and Iron Maiden...Dogs D'amour, and of course, the Hangmen!

SUGARBUZZ: What does Stiv Bator mean to you? Do you prefer the power-pop solo stuff, Dead Boys, Lords, or Wanderers?
BILLY HOPELESS: I really loved, and still do love, pretty much all of his work. I got a Lords tattoo done quite a few years ago . The Wanderers had some great moments, but that keyboard sucks ! It’s cool when I get compared to Stiv, 'cause I think he was awesome, but I think I'm still different from him, as he was Stiv, and I'm Billy, and nobody can be either of us!!!
SUGARBUZZ: First time I heard of you was on an Ultra-Under compilation. Briefly discuss origins, Rich Jones, Amen...band history...Isn't he working with the NY Loose, now?
BILLY HOPELESS: Yeah-that was when we were called the Black-Market Babies. Jeff Dahl put out our first ever track on that comp., and I still think the take on "Fucked From The Start" is the best recorded. At first, there was three of us-me, Rich, and Rob Hunter. (Rock In Peace)
The three of us wrote "Retro World" and "B.S.F.", the first jam night. Then, we went through a large, revolving crew of in-mates, until we finally solidified, with the line up on the first two records. Rich split, we broke up. I had a band called the Widows, then, were dragged out of the delete bin by the loving people of Spain, and our then-manager, Don Robertson, went through another round of, why would any one want to be the next Black Halo, recorded 2 more albums, and that takes us to where we are now . Matt Halo is in two bands Black Mountain, and Blood Meridian, Jay Halo is in his new band, The Darlings of Chelsea, Rich has his band, the Loyalties, and I have just started a new band that I'm really happy about. I think that the hardest thing for me was that with all the changes, the band members started to push away from what, and why, the band was formed in the first place, and I felt like I was always having to fight for what it was originally meant to be. A True, unneutered, Punk rock'n'roll band!
SUGARBUZZ: What do you know about the Jezzebelles outta Chicago?
BILLY HOPELESS: nothing but I do know I love Screeching Weasel, The Queers, and there's a group of guys called, the '77 Punks, that made me smile. I miss the Fireside Bowl.
SUGARBUZZ: How do you finance your rock'n'roll endeavors? Did you ever retrieve your stolen equipment?
BILLY HOPELESS: "Finance"? That's funny-mainly, by the kind donations of people who believed in us, and took the losses haahhaa! But now, I'm back to the original Ideal of playing shows, and not trying to spend a ton, in hopes that the world buys it. It's not for everyone, y'know? As none of my fave bands were! Naw that gear's gone, and unfortunately, has never been found .
SUGARBUZZ: How did you get end up on Sub-Pop? Were you a fan of any grunge bands?

BILLY HOPELESS: Through a wonderful young lady named Meg! She got the the head guru to come see us, and sign us. Yeah- Mudhoney, Green River, The Fluid, Nirvana...Grunge that's like new wave was-righteous, and punk . I didn't really like when all those metal bands started calling themselves grunge. Stone-Temple-Garden-In-Chains y'know?
SUGARBUZZ: Career highlights so far-what's it like working with Jack Endino? He gives you such a huge Cheap Trick-big rock'n'roll sound!
BILLY HOPELESS: Kissing with Ronnie Spector, opening for the Dolls, hanging with Jerry Only, playing with the Hangmen, the Avengers...playing with D.O.A.! Actually, meeting a girl in Salt Lake City, and her mom, who told me the song, "Some Things Never Fall" saved her daughter from killing herself, and all the people with "F.F.T.S." tattoos, who have told me about how my words have helped them through rough times. Jack has never failed me, and always was like the sixth Halo, to me!
SUGARBUZZ: Weren't you a fan of Chris Barry, from 222's, 39 Steps, Pillbox, etc.?

BILLY HOPELESS: Yeah I loved Pillbox, and we used to cover, "Slip Into The Crowd" (by 39 Steps) as the Black-Market Babies! People still ask for it, so maybe I'll do it, with the new band!
SUGARBUZZ: You and Zodiac Mindwarp?
BILLY HOPELESS: Ha-ha...'read his book...It's all lies! He's just a poor old man who has nothing left, besides a legacy of lies.
SUGARBUZZ: What do you do for fun in the summertime?
BILLY HOPELESS: Skimboard and skateboard on some fine products from "Skull Skates", who have supported, and pushed me, since day one, and even sell the official Black Halos "Skull Skates" deck. I hang out at Spanish Banks Beach, as it's the closest thing I can get to Spain, in Vancouver. 'Wait for the P.N.E.- our annual fair to happen, so I can go hang on the midway...I do a lot of listening to calypso music, and drinking Tang cocktails out of a plastic coconut.

SUGARBUZZ: Throbs or D-Generation?
BILLY HOPELESS: D-Gen-love them musically, and as people! Howie Pyro's radio show "Intoxica" is the gasoline in this fink's fire ball!
SUGARBUZZ: Forgotten Rebels or Teenage Head?
BILLY HOPELESS: They're both fantastic, but I've got to hand it to Mickey and the Rebels, as he still finds new ways to make me smile-unlike his evil twin, Rod Stewart, who's sucked for years !
SUGARBUZZ: All the reformed groups-Hanoi, Lords, Dolls, Stooges...Care for any of the comebacks?
BILLY HOPELESS: Loved the first Hanoi Album! That's a comeback! It's great to get a chance to see and hear your heroes live, but sometimes, dead is better, friend. Like that Lords thing: I said it way before, and I'll say it again: The History Books show that they tried to replace Stiv! So Stiv got their "Singer Wanted" ad printed on a shirt, walked out on stage, wearing it, and fired them all. Then, after the guy's dead, they get back together, and started telling a bunch of lies, to try and milk his undead legend, and legions! It failed, and I think when the Dead Boys got back together, they did it as a true tribute, and just hung his jacket on a mic- stand, and sang the songs, themselves. I mean, who would be lame enough to disrespect the Religion known as the New Church, by running around, bragging about being in a dead founding fathers shoes?
SUGARBUZZ: American Heartbreak or Jetboy?
BILLY HOPELESS: American Heartbreak! It's all Billy and Butler to me, 'cause they've done me no wrong, and love Nazareth!
SUGARBUZZ: Know anything about a glam band called Sybil?
BILLY HOPELESS: No, did they play with the Sheppards or Danning?

SUGARBUZZ: Are you a Gunfire Dance fan?
BILLY HOPELESS: No, but I'm with Duane Peters, so I support yer loco gunfighters! Oh, and Gun Club!
SUGARBUZZ: Texas Terri, or Texacala Jones?
BILLY HOPELESS: Terri is my sister. I choose blood over booze, always.
SUGARBUZZ: Do you consider yourself apolitical?
BILLY HOPELESS: I'm a humanist, and a big supporter of chimps, as they'll be our only allies, when the apes take over!
SUGARBUZZ: Please describe each of the guys in the current lineup, so the fans can get to know them...
BILLY HOPELESS: Well, I've started a new band, but I've yet to reveal the name, or the identities of my new crew. Let's just say like my departed, but still respected, and remembered-constantly, amigo, Kike Turmix from Saftey-Pin Records, and the Pleasure fuckers would advise everyone, "Only True Rock and Rollers"! The new stuff sounds huge--and like no band I've heard before, while still keeping, yet increasing, the edge, and dead-end, street-punk sound, that I always want to hear. I think it is like, where the Halos were trying to reach, but couldn't, because there were people who were "trying", instead of a band that some how, stumbled naturally, upon it! Idiots plot, try, and fail, where savants use the force, and shoot the death star.
SUGARBUZZ: (See why I'm startin' to really love this cat???!!!)
BILLY HOPELESS: I always get a multi-ball, y'know what I'm sayin'?

SUGARBUZZ: Current events?
BILLY HOPELESS: Hell still isn't appetizing to look at, no matter how big the handbasket, so lets just say I'm still amazed that Archie Andrews chose to marry Veronica Lodge, instead of Betty Jean Cooper! It shocks me, as to me, it's obvious Ronnie's got cash, and looks like she'd be wild, during wedding day sex, on a bed full of Mr. Lodge's cash, but Archie always seemed like such a goody-two-shoes! Way to go, Red!
SUGARBUZZ: Contemporaries you respect, or actually enjoy listening to?
BILLY HOPELESS: Paul Simon-anything he did, Leadbelly, Josh White, fook! Once again, there's too many, as what was rebellion once, is contemporary, today.
SUGARBUZZ: Most under-rated groups of all time?
BILLY HOPELESS: The Hangmen, Lazy Cowgirls, the Replacements, ya can't ask a music lover these questions!!!

SUGARBUZZ: What ruined Guns N Roses? Was it the money? Ever like 'em? The Crue?
BILLY HOPELESS: I never really liked G'N'R, but I love the pinball! I'd say, its was artistic vision vs. the unsweet safety net of sucsess. Motley Crue were bubblegum-metal that lost its flavour, quickly.
SUGARBUZZ: Crybabys or Faster Pussycat?
BILLY HOPELESS: Neither. See above for Pussycat...
SUGARBUZZ: Whatever happened to Billy G. Bang, Nazi Dog, Elka Brandt, and Anita Chellemah?
BILLY HOPELESS: Nazi Dog reformed the Vilteones recently, and we were supposed to play with him. He didn't show up, so the hired guns he had playing the Viletones music were pissed off and asking that same question, so I got up, and said, "Let's do this!" Afterwards, people were coming up to me and saying how stoked they were to have gotten to see the Viletones but it wasn't them, at all. That would be like the Lords, without Stiv! Ridiculous! I was happy to have finally got to sing, "I'll Never Be Sad", though!

SUGARBUZZ: Motorcycle Boy or the Ultras?
BILLY HOPELESS: Oranges and apples are both good, no?
SUGARBUZZ: Kusworth or Perrett?
BILLY HOPELESS: Sudden (rock in peace) and Kusworth.
SUGARBUZZ: Phil Lewis or Paul Black?
BILLY HOPELESS: Paul Dianno and Jean Michael Vincent.
SUGARBUZZ: Favorite IGGY record?
BILLY HOPELESS: "Avenue B", or "Party", no, "Kill City", no, "Lust For Life"! No! Red, no, blue....ahhhhh...
SUGARBUZZ: Alltime rocknroll low-any great regrets?
BILLY HOPELESS: Letting stoopid heads convince me to tame down, and act like a "profesional", on stage, during the Social Distortion tour, instead of being true to my love, and art.
SUGARBUZZ: Know anything about James Williamson's background as an operative for the secret police?

BILLY HOPELESS: No, but I hear he's got an other ball...
SUGARBUZZ: Plans for the future?
BILLY HOPELESS: Rebirth, redemption, and of course, crucifixtion!
SUGARBUZZ: What original songs are you proudest of?
BILLY HOPELESS: All my unplanned babies are my favourites.
SUGARBUZZ: Some favorite books?
BILLY HOPELESS: Jari Pekka Ramones books on the Ramones. Peanuts paperbacks, "C'mon, Get Happy" -the David Cassidy bio, Tom Waits "You're Innocent When You Dream", John Steinbeck "Cannery Row", "Playboy" magazine (yes it truly is for the articles-my dad wasn't lying.)
SUGARBUZZ: Who would you like to collaborate with?
BILLY HOPELESS: Anyone who'll stop the world and melt with me.
SUGARBUZZ WORD ASSOCIATION!!!! First word that pops in your head for each of the following!

Die Hunns: Chess
Hangmen: Saviors
Crystal Pistol: Pinto
Humpers: Billy
Sinisters: Sinistar
Joneses: Rich
69 Eyes: Sailorsex
Monroe 63: 63 Monroe
Four Horsemen: Dimwit
Dimestore Halos: T.Rex
Tyla: Pirate
Soho Roses: Koogle
Crash Kelley: Alistarr
Ginger Coyote: Debutante
Buck Cherry: Modernette
Backyard Babies: Dragon
Jim Jones Revue: Kool-Aid
Warrior Soul: Wasteland
Diamond Dogs: Bowie
Hardcore Superstar: Shaunna Grant
Lustkillers: Pathetic
Sonny Vincent: Price
Silver: Ball
Divinyls: Di-records
Claude/Smack: Van Damme/Coke
The Veins: Un-needled
Star Star: Fucker
Jay Millette: Happyhalo
Rich Jones: Lifepartnerhalo
Adam Becvare: Patheticnonhalo
Davey French: Brotherhalo
SUGARBUZZ: What did I forget to ask you about?
BILLY HOPELESS: That's yer problem! I'm not going to ask myself questions. I do that too much in life! However, you did forget to tell me that hemlock is poison!
SUGARBUZZ: Where can the rock'n'roll people purchase your music and other merch.?

BILLY HOPELESS: All the Halos stuff is available, out there, if ya look for it. As for my new stuff, just stay in contact with me on Myspace, and you'll know as much as I do!
(*Homelessness in Corporate-America is no joke...Please read, "Criminal Of Poverty: Growing Up Homeless In America" by Tiny, a.k.a. Lisa Gray-Garcia, about how slave wages, lack of affordable housing, and multiple employment-barriers, make impoverished citizens targets of bored police with cattle-prods. ALSO: "THE CONQUEST OF COOL" by Thomas Frank....Thank You.)