Billy Boy on Poison
The Dragonfly
Hollywood, California
August 7, 2009
By Victoria Joyce
(SugarBuzz Nowhere)
SugarBuzz Magazine
The last full moon of summer is fading on the first cool Friday night in August as we drive down Santa Monica Boulevard into Hollywood for Billy Boy on Poison at Club Dragonfly.
Walking into the crowded club, we were greeted by the 'Keanu cam' at the side of the stage. And rows of chairs covered in plastic sheets ala Gallagher WTF? "They do a live stage play of the movie, ‘Point Break’ every Friday-been doing it for a while-its really popular," says man-on-the-lights, Sean. We loved Kathryn Bigelow's first movie too. Can't wait to see "Hurt Locker."
Waiting for Billy Boy - DJ, Dayle Gloria spun some Mink DeVille, who is doing a ‘Cadillac Walk’ in rock and roll heaven right about now. Rest in peace, my brother. We remember with much love. Next up is the Ramones “The KKK Took My Healthcare Away." Uh wait, no, that’s Baby.

Four years old and out of The Valley, (but we won’t hold that against them) Billy Boy on Poison had their recent record release party of “Drama Junkie Queen” at the Troubadour creating tons of Billy Boy buzz. Outstanding number “On My Way” has made it to the “Gossip Girl” soundtrack and iTunes “Song of the Week.” Tell me this song doesn’t remind you of Spinal Tap’s “Gimme Some Money.”
Round Midnight, with zero fanfare, Billy Boy on Poison sneaked on stage and rocked out with a delicious opener; “Your 2 Hi,” a radio-ready rocker with bright licks and dark lyrics. It’s a Yin Yang thang.
Followed by “I’m Ready,” “On My Way, “Bury Me,” “Avenue,” and “HVD.” This stuff is very old school garage rock with hooks that would make Paul Revere and the Raiders proud. BB Poison has got some deep bluesy bass riffs like Zepplin from bassman Jacob Pilot. Ryan Wallengren and Greg West on guitars do some swirling solos like Hendrix spinning in and out of psychedelia. Classic pop and punk with serious edge. Infectious and pretty. Flower Power with razor blades.
Jess Calcaterra on drums is snappy and flashy with a light, fast touch. We love lady drummers. Lead singer, Davis LeDuke has a soft delivery, half talking smart mouth lyrics with an ice-cold aloofness like Bryan Ferry. Wore a suit too. How elegant cool is that?
Perfect last song “Baby Sue” was swift and nasty with serious Buddy Hollyness to it. Bye bye baby, bye bye.

Getting home about 2am - Small World Dept: What movie was on the Fox Movie Channel late night? “Point Break.” Gary Busey’s finest work.