AvanGaard w/ Approximation
14 Below
Santa Monica, CA
Arpil 10th 2008
By Victoria Joyce
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
We got a twofer at 14 Below in Santa Monica, on a Thursday even. 14 Below is a nifty little club towards the beach. Been around for a decade and rates credibility with Hollywood bands. Easy to find too. It’s on the corner of 14th and Santa Monica. Duh.
Our IT guy from work invited us to check out his band. Think we’re gonna turn down the guy that keeps our computer running? No way, Jose.
Another incentive was lead singer and guitar, Erich Martini is seriously into vinyl. His band, Approximation has two albums out. Like real ones. Thirty-three and a thirds. Remember turntables?
Getting there early, met some British cuties at the bar throwing down flyers. The band is called AvanGaad and drummer Shane and manager Tom convinced us to hang around. You had me at “Ello, luv.”
Going on around eleven, Approximation is a mighty fine old school rock band along the lines of Blue Cheer with a dash of Zappa. Fine, clear, strong and loud guitars with jazzy, busy drums. They do a wicked cover of Machine Gun. Drummer and bass are all business, focused, serious and frowning. This is work not play.

Round midnight, the British Invasion, Chapter 48, AvanGaad (a play on words for Avant Garde) is from Sheffield in the UK. That’s in the north, we found out. (OK, we stink at geography.)
They call their stuff country pop, but it’s a little more sophisticated than that. Twangy, jangly guitars reminded us of Roger McGuinn and the Byrds. AG is closer to folk rock and flower power. Highly melodic and very pretty pop.
Lead singer, Liam has a ghostly dreamy voice, high pitched and soulful. Mat on the other guitar and Liegh on bass guitar are also kind of shy on stage. Eyes down but not Shoe Gaze. We love drummer Shane. He’s all arms and legs, celebrating the drums like Keith Moon.
Their tour diary made us smile. “Mr T’s Bowl, Highland Park, LA” and “Club NME @ Spaceland, Silverlake, LA” That is so London. We had to explain the “LA” was the abbreviation for Louisiana not California. And LA is a city therein. These crazy Brits.
AvanGaad is touring the US till mid April then back to the UK with a super big show at the Boardwalk in Sheffield on June 6th. There will always be an England.