Arena Rock is BACK!
Ozzy, Kid Rock, Van Halen
By Vix
(SugarBuzz Oklahoma City)
pix by vix
SugarBuzz Magazine
Arena Rock is BACK!
So I know it has been a while and I have been to alot of shows...So instead of inundating with a number of stories I think I will roll them all into one.
First lets start with Ozzy. Got me some floor seats to the Black Rain tour with Rob Zombie. This show was at the Ford Center here in OKC. I was fortunate enough to be working where Oz stayed and the tour manager hooked me and my bud up with great seats. Ozzy is a crack up and a low maintenance rock star. Aside from special food requests and alot of quiet he demanded very little.

The show kicked off with some local thing that I opted out on. The Rob took the stage in all his glory. He had videos and a stage set up that was unreal. Living dead girls were dancing everywhere and the production was phenomenal. You can tell he has an obsession with the obscure and I thought of Lucky when I was watching this show, Rob had images of Charles Manson and that whole Sharon Tate thing flashing on the screen. Yea Lucky, you woulda had a semi over that shit.
Then on comes the Ironman. He was great. Alot older but still a fan-fucking-tastic show none the less. He sang alot of the new album. If you haven't picked it up I suggest you do so or at least give it a listen. He still has it. The funnest part of all of it was when he mooned the audience and also he has this hose with foam in it and just doused the audience. Ozzy had to use a monitor with the words on it to help out. However, with his past how it is I am not surprised and if you weren't right there you probably wouldn't of ever known it. Zakk Wylde was the show however. He is a giant of a man and rocked the overalls like you wouldn't believe. His guitar playing is so intense and he is quite the showman. Again Black Rain is worth a purchase!
Not too long after Oz came and went an horrible ice storm hit the armpit. I lost electricity in my house for 10 days. Now most would say this is horrible but it turned out to be really cool. Kid Rock was playing at Riverwind Casino. It is an odd place for him to play because I believe the seating there is about 1500. Kid was registered where I work. He and the band made it in but got stuck sorta due to the Ice. Again the tour manager Suzanne and I got acquainted and while I was showing her Kid's room she offered me up tickets.

Well Sharee and I took off for Riverwind in the ice and had 4th row center. Now I have seen Kid Rock at the Ford Center but seeing him in a small intimate venue is amazing. He is absolutely a phenomenal entertainer. This lower scale show actually proved to me that he can entertain anyone. There were people from all walks of life at this show and everyone of them were pleased. Rock N Roll Jesus is probably his best album to date. I say this because it has songs with a country feel, the hip hop and definitely the Kid Rock type of rock and roll you would expect. His performance on stage is better than the norm and it is as pleasing to listen to as the recorded and mastered music.
My friend and I were fortunate enough to be iced in with the whole entourage and go to have a private party with all of them. They are a stand up group but they do practice the Rock and Roll lifestyle. Thanks Suzanne for the tickets and the chance to really get to know you guys. Thanks Steph for the drum sticks and Marlon, Aaron, Jimmie, Jason and David for all the fun and memories. Ill see all of you guys again this summer!
They always say, save the best for last. And as of now this is the best. Van Halen with David Lee Roth! I was so happy to hear that he was back. Nothing against Sammy Hagar, bit to me DLR is what makes Van Halen the legend it is. Well now don't go fucking bananas people I KNOW Eddies is the master guitar shredder but come on...seriously...was it ever the same with out David? Really? Really?

Wolf has grown up and is 16 now and is up on stage taking Michael Anthony's place. Not only is it probably every teenage boys dream to do that but damn the kid is either a prodigy or came out of the womb with a bass in his hand. Props to you kiddo!!! Well done!
Again as luck would have it I work where DLR and his entourage stayed. I got very well acquainted with his staff and crew. The boys hooked me and my pal up with backstage and 2nd row seats. We also go to dance with Dave's bodyguard, Animal, during unchained and we were up on the big screen. Lifetime opportunities.
They played all their hits. Nothing new, its a reunion tour. Oklahoma City was the kickoff for the second leg of this tour. Oh how I miss rock and roll that there is a everlasting guitar and drum solos. And yes Alex and Eddie ripped our rock & roll souls out with guy busting solos. These guys are amazing for a lack of better words. I heard mention of another tour after this one is over and they take a break. I cant be giving all my insider information but stay tuned fuckers. However let me say this much, there are a few shows you need to see in your life...Van Halen, Ozzy, Kiss, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, GNR, and Motley Crue just to mention a few. I haven't seen the Stones yet BUT.

This is more than just another couple of concerts to fill up a boring Tuesday night. This is History, pulsating and pounding in front of you. I don't care if you have to sell your soul to satan himself to get money to so see these shows. It would be worth it. I am confident enough to say, no amount of money could ever have bought me what I have gotten to experience over the last few weeks.
I have to send out a special thanks to David Lee Roth's assistant Brian, His managers assistant Eric, His driver Tony and photographer Robert...The concert was fuckin awesome but no one will ever hold a candle to you guys...Thank you again for making memories with me I will never forget...See you all in Dallas and in St. Louis.
If any of you fuckers are in Dallas for the March show or in St. Louis for the March show holler at me and Ill let you by me and my co-pilot a drink....you never know who might be with us...
Vix in the Armpit signing off

"Peace Fuckers!"