Anvil! The Story of Anvil
Landmark Theater Westside Pavilion
Los Angeles, California
May 6, 2009
By Victoria Joyce
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
We got invited to a screening of multi-award winning film festival darling, “Anvil! The Story of Anvil” that included a Q&A with the artists and the director. One of the guys was named Robb Reiner. So we knew this was going to be giggles. Yeah, we heard, The Tap is touring. But nooooooooooo. This was quite an unexpected and breathtaking experience.
Advertised as a real-life “Spinal Tap,” let’s just start there. This rock-doc tells the tale of Anvil! A heavy metal band started by two Canadian teens in the 70s that has never stopped rocking. Breakout album “Metal on Metal.” They are originals. Like the New York Dolls, Anvil is one of rock’s great template bands. They brought it all together first and everybody else copy-catted. The music, the clothes, the voice, the songs, the solos, the hair, the gimmicks, the metal. Everybody owes them big.
The principles are: Lipps Kudlow, lead guitar and vocals and Robb (two R’s) Reiner on drums. With bass player, G5, (joined 13 years ago) is the new guy. This band has been around for over 30 years and never really got their due. Slash and Lemmy both give testimony in the film. So it’s official. Bam!
Now, the Spinal Tap parallels are all there; miss-managed management, mindless record executives, tours of Hell, long tunnel walks to the stage, dreadful hotel rooms, fights and mid-tour breakups. And Stonehenge. At one point, during a recording session, renown record producer, Chris Tsangarides (“Metal on Metal” & “Forged in Fire”) turns it up to 11. I am not kidding.

There are a lot of laughs and groans in this film and there is so much more. At the risk of sounding very corny - This film has more heart, soul and inspiration than any other movie you will ever see. Like a Bette Davis tear-jerker from the 40s or a Disney Dog movie with a spaghetti-eating scene. Seriously, bring Kleenex.
“Anvil!” also has a touch of the Michael Moore in it. In the middle of a very rocky European tour, Lipps is talking to fans about not getting paid, “99.9% of all rock bands do not get paid!” Ain’t it the truth! And then goes on to elaborate how he is a “normal guy with a job” and this music tour is really his “vacation.” The dedication of these men to their art and to each other is something out of “Guadalcanal Diary.”
A word about the director, Sacha Gervasi (Roadie name: Tea Bag) this is a dude who ran away from home in the 80s to join the road crew for Anvil! He grew up to be a filmmaker and found them again (MySpace, of course) and got the bug to do a movie. Here’s the deal, because the Bag was such a trusted member of the band he was able to get closer to them than any other film maker could have. To the point of pain. Real pain. Not the silly stuff in the songs. Parts of this film are heartbreaking and disturbing.
The film follows the band through Europe and back to Canada then to the UK for a recording session with their old-time and world class producer, CT mentioned above. Touching on so many things; getting older, getting smarter, family, friends and most of all hope and triumph, not just surviving but finding nobility and joy in every little thing. I swear to God, it so St. Teresa, The Little Flower.

On top of everything else, this movie is gorgeous to watch. The camera work is amazing, with a sweeping, compelling vision. The scenes on the road, and especially at Stonehenge, in the Japanese garden and the end sequence on the Ginza in Tokyo, the camera circles and swirls around, up, down and under. It’s as if the camera was attached to the back of a bird. This movie flies!! (Cinematography by Cristopher Soos)
Premiering at last year’s Sundance and playing in LA’s Film Fest (Audience Award) Anvil! Is now in release around the country. In the name of all that is holy and true, you must see this film and tell everyone you know to see it and then go see it again. And buy the CD immediately. “This is 13” (Numbering releases has worked for Chicago and Zeppelin?) is available ONLY through their website. Buying this release is the equivalent to voting for Barack Obama. Yes we can - Rock!
Asked at last night’s Q&A if any record companies have approached Anvil, Lipps laughs, “Yeah, three. That’s all that’s left!” Is Anvil Interested? “No! What for? We are selling CDs directly to our fans and it’s going quite nicely. You need a record company for promotion. We got a movie!” There was such a peaceful on this man’s face. It was a beautiful thing to witness.
More buzz from the screening’s Q&A: The record exec from EMI who turned them down has come crawling back the Anvil. Telling them his job depends on them signing. Whoa. There is a quiet humility in Sacha, Lipps and Robb (and bass, G5), no swaggering egos or bitterness. Just humility and hope and at long last they got some satisfaction. Dun-daaaah-dun-dun-dun--dun-dun-daaah.
The folks at Landmark Theaters love this movie so that where you will find it playing in your town. Additionally Lipps, Robbo and G5 are doing a promotional tour with shows after the movie. Life imitating Art imitating Life imitating Art, et cetera, ad infinitum.
The DVD will be out in October. You will buy two of these. One for yourself and one for a gift. Do not question this information. Anvil commands your respect and attention. End of story.