Darryl Stapelton
Absinthe Boy
By Scotty
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
SugarBuzz Magazine
1. For the readers that are not familiar with Absinthe Boy, introduce the band and a brief history.
Well, after I stopped playing with The Silencers in 2006, I went dark for a while as I was sick of the rock and roll scene here. Then I got bored and threw an ad on Craig’s list, which I thought no one would answer. I was very specific in what I was looking for, and it certainly wasn’t anything to do with what’s going on here in SF right now. I got three great responses, and sure enough two of them weren’t from San Francisco . Our drummer Johnny had just moved here from the Midwest , and Tommy was on his way from New York and looking for a band. Tommy has been with some major players and has endorsements from Epiphone Guitars and GHS Strings so I was surprised but grateful he wanted in, and Don just sort of fell into our lap on Bass. He was in a band called Straggler and quit them to join us after reading my craigs list ad.
We had Kevin from Stars from Mars originally on drums but he totally flaked on us before Tommy even arrived from New York , but that ended up being a total god send as Johnny is not only a great drummer, but also a multi instrumentalist and does pitch perfect background vocals and harmonies.
2. You guys recently opened for the New York Dolls, how was that experience?
Are you kidding?? Awesome! Total pro show for little Steves Underground Garage with The Super Suckers and The Dolls. We also had the Chesterfield Kings on the bill but they sucked. 60s garage is only cool if you’re really good at it, and those guys need to get a new shtick in a big way. The Charms were also on the bill and we liked them a lot.

3. Guitarist, Tommy Dark, has played with Joan Jett and Glibly Clarke, how does that affect the sound and attitude of the band?
Well let’s start with attitude! Ha ha…that’s definitely a huge part of his persona. He tales a backseat to no one and is a total pro in every way. I really needed that, as he pushes me constantly, in a good way. As far as the sound goes, he’s the best guitar slinger I have ever played with but the great thing about Tommy is, he knows when to hold back and play for the tune. Melody comes first and flash second with him, and as songwriter, for me that’s golden.
By the way, a slight clarification is needed. When he told you he played with Gilbey, he meant his band played with Gilbeys band! So if that’s the criteria by which we gauge this, then I also I played with the Super Suckers, New York Dolls, Rat, The Church, and The Dead Milkmen! He did actually play in Joan Jetts band. That’s true.
4. Being a band from San Francisco and SF not having a big rock scene, how does that affect the band?
Don’t get me started! In the immortal words of the great poet and sage Oscar Wilde, “I fucking hate this shithole!!”
5. What bands are you guys influenced by?
Hmmmmm…I ‘ll try and speak for everyone here. New York Dolls, Replacements and Turbo Negro would be the three standouts. I love 70s glam and punk. I detest early 80s post punk and thrash, and our sound 180s as far as possible from that, even though a lot more people in San Francisco would like us if we played that crap.
Lords Of The New Church, Dead Boys, basically the bands that influence us are the ones that play from the hip with swagger and style, and put song writing and substance above their next pair of baggy dickies pants, backwards baseball cap , keychain hanging from the side pocket, and mutton chop side burns you could hide a Canadian in We’re basically Melody with balls!

6. What other bands have the members been in prior to Absinthe Boy?
Tommys been in Joan Jetts band as mentioned above, The Oddz with Voltaire, Smashed Gladys and a few other cool NY bands. I have played with The Sick Ones in Vancouver which was former members of DOA, The Avengers, The Dills and The Mutants. In San Fran I have played with Wages Of Sin, a great glam trash band called The Speed Queens, and more recently The Hell Brothers and The Silencers. Don played with The Stragglers, and Johnny, I’m not sure! I apologize for my ignorance and lack of knowledge regarding our drummers illustrious past. "Don was a lucky find. A totally cool grounded guy who is rock solid on bass. Bass players are hard enought to find in this town, let alone really good ones. "
7. Will Absinthe Boy be doing any shows outside of the of the Bay Area anytime soon?
That’s all we want to do! We are of the absolute school of thought that the only way anything good will happen for us is to get known outside The Bay Area. I think were going to Japan later on in the year, maybe Vancouver , and we definitly want to come play L.A soon. Get us a gig! Ha ha.
8. Are there plans for a record soon?
Yep. Three songs already done. To hear the work in progress so far go to our my space page. www.myspace.com/absintheboysf
9. How did the name Absinthe Boy come about?
A total accident. That’s my email address. When Tommy and I first started corresponding while he was still in New York , I was emailing him from my absintheboy yahoo page. For some reason he thought that was the name of the band and started telling people. One thing lead to another and it stuck. I’m very happy it did! From a marketing standpoint the possibilities are endless. Our bass player Don's girlfriend Sally has done some amazing stuff for us so far using the Absinthe name.

10. Do you guys see this band as a full time gig to quit your day jobs or ust a hobby?
Well, we obviously would love that if it happened, and I have never played in a band that has a better shot at it than this one, but I think you will get 4 different answers to that question from the 4 different band members. I’ll defer that question to our manager Michael from Sinners Productions, who is conspicuous in his absence right now. If you want to write to him kiddies and ask him personally, his my space page is www.myspace.com/fatcitysf. His personal phone number and address are….woops. Looks like I ran out of space here.
11. Is Absinthe Boy currently represented by management or a booking agent?
Ahhhh…I see I should have read ahead before shooing my mouth off. See question 10.
12. What does the future hold for the band?
Several greatest hits compilations, a massive law suit involving us and Itunes, a box set entitled Absinthe Boy “the salad days”, several paternity suits, a Max Factor sponsorship, Betty Ford Clinic seasons passes, a VHI reunion special entitled “Absinthe Boy..we hardly knew ya!” “suddenly their rock and roll dream became an Absinthe drenched nightmare of booze, pills, depravity, mall appearances, and lost identities.”
An incident involving a gerbil and garden tool that’s best not talked about, the story ending with all of us guest judging with Dennis Rodman on American Idol wearing dresses.
I’ll quit while I’m behind. Stay off the hard stuff kids!