Tattooed Millionaires
The Roxy Theater on Sunset
West Hollywood, CA
March 28 2007
Words & Pixs By Victoria Joyce
(SugarBuzz Hollywood)
“I like walks on the beach, red meat and I’m a Taurus.” Mark Weiss giggled when we wrote it all down. The lead singer and rhythm guitar of 3against1 joined us for an interview having just finished a short, sharp set at the Roxy on the last Wednesday of March 2007. And still all sweaty. Him, not us. Ok, us too.

“This is a nice crowd for a Wednesday.” Scanning the lightly packed house, Weiss continued, “It doesn’t matter if it’s packed or if it’s two people. We play the same.” That’s saying something. This 7 year-old band out of San Diego delivers; delivers big. With a precision focus, shimmering passion and contained rage. “We love what we do.”
We kept thinking ‘delivery’ during 3against1’s set. They deliver. Their set was sandwiched between Michael & Marisa; adorable teeny boppers and the Tattooed Millionaires; adorable big boppers.
Michael & Marisa are little kids (9 & 10) and brother and sister who do some very sweet covers. You can’t go wrong with the Who’s “Substitute.” Michael plays a guitar as big as him and doesn’t have to push for the high falsetto voice. Marisa channels Karen Carpenter behind the drums, dark eyes and bangs. The kids are alright and they’ve only just begun.

Tattooed Millionaires have dialed it down a smidge. And it works nice. The band never looked so comfortable on stage; resolved and less edgy. Signature song “Hong Kong Blonde” gets to shine and set-closer T-Rex’s “20th Century Boy” is a natural for Johnny Jetson. His voice matches the late Marc Boland’s dead nuts.
Busy night with 3outta5 bands. That’s too many for one night. And we love this stuff.
Back to 3against1. Now residing in Hollywood and outfitted in black jeans and white stenciled black Tee shirts, 3>1 combines elements of Metal (both kinds, Death & Speed), Punk, Funk and (dare we say it?) Jazz. They deliver clean and clear, loud rock and roll with sophistication, dimension and originality. We heard influences of Judas Priest, Pearl Jam and the Pretenders. But mostly we heard 3Against1.

Their song “Fading” is a close hit to “Stairway to Heaven” in structure, style and content. Like they say, “it’s OK to steal, just steal from the best.” Mark’s voice is particularly beautiful with strong control and power. Lyrics written by Weiss and lead guitarist, Arnaud Lemaire, deal with matters of the heart, mind, body and soul. OK, brains and brawn, got it?
Drummer, Curt Minerd is stingy and spare with is strikes and splashes. He doesn’t overpower the vocals. Ryan Gonzalez plays bass with the same economy. The notes you don’t play are just as loud as the ones you do. Existentialist or what?
Half the time with and half without, we asked Weiss - why the guitar? “I started out with the guitar and it felt like I was hiding behind it.” When without, Weiss moves like Henry Rollins; all over the stage, running defense, weaving, diving, bending, and eyes closed, sculpting lyrics out the air like fired glass. Ok, Ok, we give. You win.
Love the band’s name too. Dudes, very smart! Do a sort on iTunes and “3against1” pops to the top. Numbers before letters. Heh, heh, heh.